Patricia“Pat” Marie Grawe, 80, of Eau Claire passed away on Thursday, September 1, 2016.  Although suffering from an illness and health challenges, she died from an accidental fall in her home.

Pat was born in Elkhorn, Douglas, Nebraska on July 9, 1936.   She married Ronald J. Rubenzer and having divorced later married Roger A. Grawe. She was a devoted loving wife and mother and brought joy and happiness to others.

Pat is survived by her husband, Roger A. Grawe; son, James “Jim” D. (Linda) Rubenzer, parents of Laura (Steve) Grages, Matt Rubenzer, and Joe Rubenzer; daughter, Lisa A. (Mike) Stoner, parents of Cortney, Kyle, and Kevin Stoner; daughter, Michelle P. (Doug) Stephen, parents of Taylor and Zach Stephen; and daughter, Kathy Rubenzer; two brothers, Duane Wilbur Baker and Allen Eugene Baker; and sister, and a half-sister, Mary Stauffacher.

Pat was preceded in death by her parents, Wilbur Charles Baker and Doris Irene Ditter; a brother, Charles Dean Baker; and two sisters, Delores Ann Guetzkow and Joan Marie Walker.

Funeral services will be Wednesday, September 7, 2016 at 10:00 am at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 3335 Stein Blvd, Eau Claire.  Visitation will be Tuesday, September 6, 2016 from 4:00 to 8:00 pm at Smith Funeral Chapel in Eau Claire and one hour prior to the services on Wednesday at the church.  Burial will be at Peace Lutheran Cemetery in Baldwin, Wisconsin following the services.


  1. Roger, I’m so sorry to read about Pat’s passing. I remember her as a very kind and dear friend. May Heavenly Father bless you with peace and comfort at this time. Louise.

  2. Our sincere sympathy to Roger and all of Pat’s loving family! We will keep all of you in our thoughts and prayers!! Hugs to all! God bless!!

  3. My prayers are with Roger and Lisa and the rest of the family. She loved you so much and I will never forget her saying to me across the street after a long day “I love you Diane”. She was a true gem spitfire sparkle in her eye. She will be missed!

  4. Roger I am truly sorry to hear of this, Pat was a wonderful woman and I enjoyed visiting with her and enjoyed her stories she will forever and always be loved and missed by the boys and I. If there is anything I can do please feel free to reach out to us.

  5. Dear Roger and family,
    We are so sad to hear of Pat’s passing. She is a special lady who it was our privilege to meet and
    come to know on our mission. We send you all our deepest sympathy.
    With love, Bob & Vickie

  6. I loved how Pat always smiled and welcomed me with a hug or a peck on the cheek. One of the people I missed most when I left Wisconsin was Pat. Then I heard you had moved to Eau Claire and thought how it would be nice for the two of you to get out of that tiny trailer. I hope she found peace in her new home, surrounded by all your books. RIP Pat… on angel’s wings, soar to our Heavenly Father and move into the last home you will ever need. Your mansion awaits you.

  7. Thanks for sharing this sorrowful yet joyful news with us Roger. We hope that you will still be able to serve with us at the temple. May God’s precious love by manifest to you at this time, more powerfully than ever. Our prayers include you and your loved ones!

  8. Bro. Grawe, We are so sorry for your loss. Having gone through the same experience we know what a loss this can be for you. But what a blessing we have in knowing that this separation of a loved one is only temporary. That through our Savior’s atonement, we rejoice in the knowledge of the resurrection of all mankind and that we can once again be together eternally with our family members. We’ll keep you in our prayers.

  9. I will always remember Pat as my upper-class model on the McDonell cheerleading team. She was beautiful, vivacious, kind, and always seemed to have a ready smile. My condolences to her children, Jim, Lisa, Michelle and Kathy, and all her surviving families.

  10. We were saddened to here of your loss. Though we did not know Pat well, I was able to have delightful conversation with her when you occasionally brought her by the temple. I have also been inspired by your devotion and loving care for her during these tough years of her illness. May God bless and comfot you during this time of grief.

  11. Dear Jim, Lisa, Michelle and Kathy,
    Losing a Mom is one of the hardest things life hands you. I hope you can hang on to many good memories in the years to come.
    Wishing you all comfort and peace with love……Aunt Lois

  12. What a wonderful smile on Pat’s face here. Our deepest sympathy to you, Roger and to your family. May you know that Pat is in a much happier place where she awaits your being with her for all eternity.
    Love, Tom and Katy Anderson

  13. Pat would be 81 on July 9, 2017. I feel her presence and love as I go about my life; although I often times feel lost as without a Road map without her here physically helping me. I am comforted by the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the knowledge that the Plan of Salvation brings. Life is so very short. We are here but an instant in the eternal scheme of things, yet what we do with life makes all the eternal difference. Peace and Gratitude to all for your kind words and thoughts. I feel the strength that comes from them. God Bless. Roger

  14. Roger, I just found this obituary. Michael and I are so sorry for your loss. You both have meant so much to us in our life. Even though we have been out of contact for 26 years, we have never forgotten. We still have her painting she created for us hanging on our wall. Our love and best wishes to you always. As I was reading the obituary it was as if I could hear her voice and laughter. I look forward to when we can all meet again.
    Michael and Tanya Robinson

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